Global Night Commute
Last night was the worldwide global night commute for invisible children.
If you don't understand what I just said, please go to
I, along with roughly 30 other calbaptist students (represent!) traveled down to San Diego and commuted a couple miles, sleeping bag in hand, to Balboa Park. Once there, we signed in and joined the other 3,500 people there and rolled out our sleeping bags and began socializing, writing letters to our senators, and creating art projects.
It was amazing.
Did I sleep only 2.5 hours? Yes. Was I uncomfortable sleeping on the ground outside in a park with a huge crowd of people? A little. Was it incredible to be a part of something larger than ourselves, even if it was only for a night? Yes.
Slowly but surely, the nations and the realization of just how much God loves the nations are becoming more and more a passion of mine. The rest of the world, especially Africa, is slowly killing themselves. Someone needs to do something, stand up for them, love them, let them see Jesus through them.
"Jesus I believe in You, and I would go, to the ends of the earth for You..."
I leave for Turkey in 3 weeks...I am so ridiculously excited.
Okay...I'm exhausted, and I can actually go to bed somewhat early, here goes. God bless to you and yours.
Ethan, Justin and Eric
Go to, read about what it is.
Once you've done that, search the site a bit, find out ways you can help.
After that, go to the "buy a shirt" link, and click on it.
Check out the super cool models in the shirts...ya, I'm a spokebiketrip model.
I know 2 out of the 3 super cool guys that are going...and they are studs for Jesus. :-)
Keep on Truckin...
This has been a popular phrase heard around CBU these days.
It is the last official week of school. Starting this Friday, and next Monday through Wednesday, it is supposed to be finals. My teachers, thinking themselves gracious, made everything (including papers and takehome finals) due this week, so that we didn't have to show up for finals. Sweet, I know, but that just means that this week is insane, instead of next week.
As I sat in class today and didn't pay attention, I made a list of homework left to do this week. I will have written, printed out and turned in roughly 45-50 pages of work by Friday at 5:00p.m.
I'll keep you posted as to if I make it or not.
Last night I was up until 3a.m., lets see if we can surpass that tonight. My roommate Kinsley is up with me at the moment, and Julie is due over here to join any moment. Ah, the life of a college student.
Diet Pepsi in hand...let's get started on page 5...
"An impulsive decision often lacks the element of intelligent commitment..."
~j. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Discipleship
I couldn't have said it better myself.
What do you want?
I want:
-to be done with any and all homework
-to lose weight
-to take a nap
-new mac lipglass
-the sun to come back out
-to start getting ready for Ashley's brother's concert
-more diet pepsi
-to see my sister
-the last chocolate egg leftover from Easter
-new citizen jeans
-to go for a run
-to read for fun, not for school
-to not stay up past 2 a.m.
-to sleep in
-to know once and for all that it's not him
-my laptop battery to not run out
-to read the newest megan mccafferty book
-for the 7th Harry Potter book to come out
-to start packing for Turkey
-long, hot, lazy summer days...
A Late-Bloomer Late-Nighter...
Here's the thing: I'm not one of those college students that stays up late.
I never have been. Even my freshman year, the times we did stay up late, which, granted was a good 4 out of the 5 school nights a week, we were doing something ridiculous. I mean ridiculous such as going to albertos at 2 a.m. to buy 12 tortillas for you and your hallmates (because as a freshman you don't understand the concept of working just eat!) It was never to actually do anything productive, such as schoolwork.
I now have 2 weeks left of my Junior year, and I think these next 2 weeks are going to be filled with many late-nights; many late nights of productive homework/finals/papers. I realize this post does not count as being productive...but I've been at my desk, doing all sorts of homework like a good girl since 8:30p.m. this evening. It is now nearing midnight, the Diet Pepsi is almost gone, and I needed a homework break to let my mind simply wander other places than my 4-6 pager on "my observations when visiting a bilingual classroom". Oh the joys of being a liberal studies major.
Oh, and I think my eyesight is going. I couldn't really see what I was typing earlier tonight, and a roommate gave me her glasses she uses sometimes for computer work...and lo and behold, I have eyes again! This is a sad day. I'll fight glasses for me! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be in contacts soon enough.
Okay...I must return to the homework now...I still have a book to read before tomorrow. :-) Wish me luck!
2 more weeks...Praise the Lord!
Chocolate bunnies...
I have always loved chocolate.
I remember growing up, when Easter Sunday came and there was a basket full of chocolate sitting at my place at the table, I was extremely excited. Well, the Easter bunny still visits this almost-21 year old, and not that I still don't get excited over chocolate, but I don't ever remember getting this full on it as a child. I could eat the entire package of Robin eggs (everyone always got me those...thinking it's hilarious), 4 or 5 cadbury eggs, and the entire chocolate bunny.
This year all I got down were the ears.
God bless you and yours on this Easter Sunday in which we remember Christ's sacrifice for us. We will never fully comprehend what He did for you and me, but we can try our best to honor it. Happy Easter, blogland.
First Timer
My glorious, amazing, beautiful friend Julie has a blog. I read hers and comment frequently, but it's just not the same. I guess you could say I had blog-envy. So, remedied that by creating my own. goes nothing.
Hope you enjoy!